Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

My first Easter spent away from home. I do have to say, I'm missing home and my family today! It's not quite a holiday without them. At least I get to spend it with a good friend : )

Kasie and I had dinner with Glenda here in King Salmon last night when our flight came in and then spent the night here. Today we fly out at some point to head back to Port Heiden!

It's been a crazy weekend, to say the least. After I left here on Friday to head to Anchorage, Kasie and the new student teachers that she was in town with, picked me up and we had a late dinner and got to visit. Yesterday morning I got things taken care of that I needed to and was able to enjoy town a little but with Kasie after we dropped the girls off at the airport! We had McDonalds and of course large fountain sodas... So good! And did some shopping, tote packing and mailing! We made a trip or two to some bead stores to get new beads for beading the glass floats. DANGEROUS. But those beads are all so pretty. So now we have a large amount to choose from. ; ) Then it was time to fly on out. I'm very thankful Kasie was in town when I needed to go up there. I don't know what I would of done without her!

When we were driving down the highway, we had to stop to let a moose cross. The poor girl looked so scared and didn't know where to go. Thankfully she made it back to the side of the road with the trees! It was pretty neat to see how close we were to her. Also, at one point Kasie and I needed a knife for packing totes and we both whipped ours out of our pockets... We thought that was pretty intense, hence the picture, haha! Along with real milk and fresh fruit!! There's also a picture of the Bering Sea as I was leaving Friday!

Just a few to share!

Happy Easter, everyone! ENJOY time with your families. : )

Friday, March 29, 2013

Fountain soda in King Salmon, AK : )

My list of places that I've been in Alaska is slowly, but surely growing! Although only by a little at a time my list includes Anchorage, Girdwood - where Alyeska is, Port Heiden, Chignik Bay and now I can add King Salmon to that list. And that's not including a few villages that I've landed in but haven't gotten out of the plane...
I'm spending a few hours here in King Salmon while I wait for my next flight into Anchorage which is at 7:30. King Salmon is where the district office is located and if you're flying in or out of the south, you usually have to stop here before heading up North. So today my flight left Port Heiden, took a brief stop at another village to pick someone else up and then it dropped me off here! I got to eat some dinner at a tiny little place called Eddie's that I've heard so much about... I finally got a fountain soda and it was as good as I had hoped for after three months. : ) Then I was lucky enough to come hang out here at the district office while I wait for my flight in a few hours. I've also gotten to meet a lot of the folks that work here in the office for the district and visit with a few that I haven't seen since my first stop in Alyeska back in January. I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever met so many nice people. I often say, and my parents can attest to this, that everyone that I've met along the way in this journey and everyone in this district are always so nice and welcoming. I don't think I'll ever come across a group of people quite like this. : ) Well, I haven't actually mentioned it but I'm flying into Anchorage for the night and the day tomorrow. It's a last minute - quick trip into town to get some things taken care of and then I'll be flying back into King Salmon tomorrow night. I'll spend the night here and then head back to Port Heiden on Sunday... and one thing that was really nice about this last minute trip is that Kasie is already in Anchorage, so I'll meet up with her and actually fly back with her tomorrow and Sunday. Just a little perk of this trip!
Back tracking a little bit, yesterday's weather was pretty nice considering that the beginning of the week started out almost in the negatives, so Jeff, Derek and I decided to head out. Which was a really good thing because I was having some major cabin fever! I'd say the temperature was about 45 degrees - give or take - and there was sun! It was pretty perfect. On top of that, we hit the beach at low tide so the beach was wide open, no ice and the sun was shining... I've learned that it doesn't get much better than that. I honestly think that I could go out almost every day and be happy! We went down the beach and crossed North River - which has changed looks since we were last there. Since the tide was so far out, the river was low enough that we were able to cross it without any problems. Then we rode for miles down the beach... we ended up going up to the top of these bluffs where we sat and talked and just took it all in for awhile. These bluffs were up extremely high and you could look out in every direction and see for MILES... it was unbelievable. We sat there while the sun was setting and looked out over the beach and the ocean. That was exactly what I needed - fresh air, friends and some down time outside by the ocean. Since it's been staying light out until almost 9:30, we were able to be out a decent amount of time before we had to head on back. Unfortunatly for all of you, I forgot my camera once again. However, that just means that since I'll be here longer, I'll have to get back out to that spot before I leave in May. : )
Today, as I was leaving school and all the kids were saying bye and some of them even going as far as saying that they'd miss me very much, and then getting on the plane, I got sad. And I'm going to be back on Sunday? Is that pathetic, it might be. BUT it made me think about how glad I am that I'm going to be able to stay for two more months because I'm just not ready to leave yet. And then when that day does come, it'll be a sad one, that's for sure.
Another thing that I'm thankful for? Skype. That may be the best thing invented for trips like these. If it wasn't for that, I'd not be able to see my family or maybe even talk to them for so long. I don't know who came up with it but thank you, to them!
I know this post was a bunch of random thoughts thrown together but that's pretty much how my mind works sometimes and I thought I'd just share. : ) State testing starts this coming week so it'll be a little different feel in the school, I'm sure... then we will see how my schedule changes for the next two months!
I have a few pictures of my trip here today, however, they're on my iPhone because that was more convienent than my camera and it doesn't have service here or wifi so I can't upload those yet. Maybe tonight or tomorrow! I'll get them up soon, I promise!
Happy Easter, everyone. : ) My family better not have too much fun without me! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Some random thoughts are always good...

Besides the excitement of every day life here in bush Alaska, I haven't had any outings or adventures since I've posted last. I've done some Just Dance with Kasie and Alecia, walked to and from old Meshik a time or two and spent some time with friends. : ) School is still going well and as if I wasn't already, I've really grown more and more attached to the kids. They're some pretty great kids!

We have a few birthdays to celebrate this weekend... Jerik's is today and Jeff's is Tuesday! That calls for a celebration with dessert tomorrow night here at my place! Then a movie night so I can finally watch the last Twilight!! I always like those get togethers.

Tonight I went with Alecia and Paulene to one of the kid's birthday parties and had some cake and ice cream with everyone. Since then, my night has consisted of cleaning and cooking... Buffalo chicken dip is on the menu : )

We've been really lucky with the weather lately. Sunny and fairly warm has been the norm so as I posted before, the sunsets have been gorgeous. As well as the sunrises at about 9-9:15ish! It's been staying light out until a little after nine at night, I love it! I've even gone to bed a few nights this week while the sun was still out! Early, I know - but I love my sleep!

Before I forget, you should go read Kasie's Alaska Adventures because she updated it and her blogs are always good AND I'm in this past one!

I thought I'd share some random pictures I've had on my iPad. One is of me and Mr. Tate, another is one of many sunset pictures I've accumulated and another one has the school playground in it but behind it is the sunrise over Aniakchak volcano! Theres one in there of my granny's apple dumplings that I attempted to make for the first time. They were pretty good! Not as good as yours though, Granny ; ) Plus a few others... Here you go : )

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What a sight

Last night, this is what it looked like when I crawled into bed.... At 8:30 : )

I had to share because it was too beautiful!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Good news : )

Since the last time I updated my blog, which was just a few days ago, I got the news that I'm able to stay in Port Heiden just a little bit longer. : ) Like I had said, I'm not quite ready to leave this place and these people yet, so this made me really happy! After my set date of leaving in the beginning of April passes, I'll start working as an aid... mainly working with a few particular students each day. I'm really excited to be able to stay and enjoy this all just a little bit longer. Plus, that means that I get to see graduation! I've told a few of you that I wanted to stay and see graduation and that it meant a lot to me because one of the boys that I work with everyday, is graduating and knowing that I helped him, it will just be pretty neat to see him graduate. As well as all the other fun things that will be going on in and out of the school. So it looks like I'll be coming home at the end of May. I have a lot of awesome people to thank for that. : )
Yesterday Kasie and I did an hour of dancing on Just Dance to work out and then we went for a walk down the beach to old Meshik because the weather was just too pretty not to take advantage of it. By the way, it's another pretty day, too! We walked down the icy beach - or climbed in some cases - and made our way to old Meshik and back. We found some pretty neat things along the way and it ended up being about a three mile walk, total. It was a nice walk!

You can see the different color of water that's close to the shore. That's actually all ice that rolls up on the shore in the waves. It makes the coolest sound when the waves are crashing!  
There were actually quite a few wolf tracks that we found along the beach that were a pretty decent size. This one was almost the size of my hand!
Bald Eagle up there on Grandma Annie's old house! There were two sitting up there but the other one flew away before we got close enough for a picture. I think I've taken a million pictures of this same view or something similiar. That house is just sitting up there so perfectly... it's too awesome of a sight not to take a picture of!

Then we did pizza night because the four of us hadn't done that in awhile and some more Just Dance followed that...
I'm over in the school today, getting some work done and skyping with my parents because the internet at the house isn't working. While I was here, I figured I would give another little update because apparently I'm not updating fast enough. ; ) I got another glass float beaded today while over at Kasie and Derek's and I'm excited to start on another one! I've also been painting some, too! Next, I want to learn how to crochet... one thing at a time for now though!

When you graduate college, there's just a world of decisions that need to be made and honestly, no one warns you about those decisions. I'm facing a lot of them now and it's got my mind going in a million different directions... I have quite a few things to decide in a very short amount of time. There's been a lot of thinking going on and I'm sure that it won't stop.
I think all that thinking requires a nice steak dinner tonight - and a good nights sleep! So I think after I leave here, that's what I'll go do. : )

Friday, March 15, 2013

Don't blink!

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted on here. I've been busy, well maybe not "so busy" but it seems that way! Before I know it, it'll be time to go home. Of course I'm ready to see my family and friends and I do miss home - which is expected - but I'm not ready to leave here, yet!

I've gotten really lucky to be placed here in Port Heiden and thinking back over the past two and a half months is crazy. I've seen so many awesome things and have had such great adventures and experiences in school and outside of school.

My most recent adventure, which seems like a while ago now, since I haven't updated, was out on the hondas. That's become my favorite thing to do and I think I need to invest in one. : )

We've had some awesome weather recently - beautiful sunny days! And with the time change, the sun stays out until about 9 pm. It's been chilly because of the sky being so clear but I'll take that with the sun anytime. During carnival - right after our spring break trip - it was nasty outside. I was told by one of my neighbors that the winds got up to about 110 mph and that was the strongest they've been in years. The Yurts (the tiny circle "houses" that I've posted a picture of before) got destroyed, there was this huge silver quanzik (I don't think I spelled that right) that was about a football field away from where it was origonally and it was smashed up. Luckily, things were fine at the house I'm staying at and considering those winds, nothing else was wrong besides some minor things. After those few days of that wind and rain, we all needed to get out of the houses and the first sign of sun, we did!

Kasie and I crashed the "man ride" that Jerik, Derek and Jeff were going on and we all went down the beach to North River! It was a gorgeous night and it was low tide so it was nothing but wide open beaches. Kasie and I were on one honda and then the guys each were on theirs. We crossed North River which was pretty high already and then headed down the beach about 20 minutes to a spot where the glass floats are just laying around! It was crazy, they were all over the place. Total, we found 96 and that was after our intense ride back - so we lost a lot. We got our glass floats and tried to make it back down the beach to North River before the tide got to high. Well, long story short, Kasie and I were behind the guys because we had stopped to switch drivers a time or two and we pulled up to North River to see Derek in the middle of it, almost under water. We were trying to cross it because we had to cross that river to get home and so he went first. Needless to say, it didn't work. He got out and pulled the four wheeler out which was obviously water logged at this point. But we were just glad he got out safely. Then we figured we'd have to walk back from North River and leave our four wheelers there and come get them the next day... there was no way we were crossing that river right there. We ended up trying to go up to the top of the bluffs and parking our four wheelers there, but while doing that, Derek found a shallow part in the river for us to wade across - we ended up even getting our four wheelers across that area, too. Which was MUCH better than walking back because we would of been walking for hours and it was already starting to get dark, plus we would have been soaked from crossing the river by foot. After we got across the river, it started our not so enjoyable ride back through tundra, snow banks and some occasional streams. I think we were off of the hondas pushing them and getting them out of holes, more than we were on them. The tundra is not the best place to ride, there are huge holes that are covered in snow and then the bumps that stick up. We made it home, low on fuel, energy and we lost a few floats along the way... I was even bruised from hitting the four wheeler so hard on the bumps! BUT it was quite an adventure that I won't forget and it could have ended a lot worse. Like Derek said, thank gosh for good friends and quick thinking.

 P.S. That's my dinner on the last night of carnival... there's caribou roast, caribous ribs, ham, crab salad, mashed potatoes and gravy and that furry stuff is caribou stomach. And yeah, I ate it all. It's actually pretty good if you can get past the fact that it's chewy and furry at the same time. : )

I haven't been out on the hondas since then because I had some visitors from PA! Well, they were visiting the village and the school and they just happened to be staying with me. It was pretty neat - Kutztown is involved with quite a few things within LPSD and so Dr. Bazley who has been stuck with me as a student and an advisee for the past four and a half years at KU, brought four of her current students up here to see the schools and work with the kinds in three of the villages - Port Heiden happened to be the first stop! We had dinner for them one night and Kasie and I took them exploring down on the beach and by old Meshik, we taught them how to bead glass floats and they got to take a few home with them. It was a crazy few days but it was fun to have some visitors. Who would have thought that I would be living in Alaska and have my old professor and advisor stay with me? We even laughed about that at one point. : )

It's been a low week here at school - there's a lot of people out sick! So about half the school has been out at some points. Even though it's been a low week, it's been a long one and I'm looking forward to the weekend. I'm hoping this beautiful weather that we've been having, hangs around for a few more days so that we can get out. Maybe even have a bonfire... we shall see!

One thing that I wish I could capture in a picture would be the stars. The night sky up here is insane - full of stars and if it was warmer, I would go sit out there! It's pretty amazing.

Oh and an update on my thumb because I've heard that some of you were very worried about it, it's doing just fine. Super glue is working it's magic and it hasn't broken open in a few days! Looks like I'll survive! ; )
I have a video of all of us crossing North River that night but it won't load for some reason. So I will upload that eventually... for now, that's all!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Always an adventure!

I'm back in Port Heiden safe and sound! I did however, have a bit of an accident right before I was getting on the plane to come back!

I was slicing a roll to eat a sandwhich for lunch in Chignik Bay before we were going to leave and I didn't move my finger quick enough and I watched myself slice right through my finger! This was the first time that I've ever cut myself like that so I was a little nervous and I think being so far away from a hospital made me more nervous. BUT I have some pretty great friends who reassured me that I'd be okay and they took care of me : ) When we got back to Port Heiden, we cleaned it up and super glued it! I had the nurse look at it and that was her (as well as the rest of the village's) recommendation and so far so good!

It's looking better today and it has a nice hard shell of super glue on it! Just another adventure in bush Alaska!

So after that happened, I hopped on the plane to come home. Before we headed back to Port Heiden, we had to drop Richard off in Chignik Lagoon which was about a 10 minute flight around the the mountain! And then it was a stop in Chignik Lake which is right around there, too! That was pretty neat to be able to see those places! All of the Chignik's are so much different than Port Heiden and I'm glad I got to experience one and see two others. After another 20 minutes, we were back on the Bering Sea side and landing in Port Heiden. We came home and no sooner were we home and the 65 mph winds started up! And they haven't left yet! Currently it's raining, windy (65 mph winds with 80 mph gusts) and it's sunny. I haven't been out there yet but it appears to be warm!

It's funny how all this crazy weather can mix together and create something like this!
Yesterday started carnival and it's quite a different scene at the school than it usually is. Every classroom is being used for some activity, game, bingo, raffles and prizes, etc. It's pretty crazy but the time that we spent over there was nice! During carnival is the only time that you can shoot caribou and only two can be shot. So each year they pick two people to shoot them. Yesterday, one of the high schoolers shot one and so I was able to have caribou sandiches and last night I had a caribou burrito! I also got to try akutaq which is berries and crisco. Traditionally, instead of crisco they use whale blubber but since that's not something people just keep on hand, they use crisco! It was pretty good. You just have to get used to the consistency of the crisco.
That is the akutaq!
The burrito and then the sandwich. Everything was so good!
I had a really nice time at the Bay with everyone. Here's some random pictures from the trip:
First time riding on in a caravan!

There's the tiny village - right at the bottom of the mountain!

Enjoying the beautiful weather and exploring : )
Kasie took this of me while she was standing in "Hole in the Wall"
When I was in there - it's a tiny little path to walk in - apparently you used to be able to walk through to the other side of the beach but there's a huge rock in the way now. We had to wait until the tide went out to get out of that. I took this picture when the tide was coming in!
Kasie's turn to come out of the hole! I didn't do it so gracefully - go figure - and I ended up with a really wet boot!
This guy was so close to us! He was really cute but from what I hear, they're no so nice.
I collected a lot of neat rocks and then also some shells. I was searching for a big starfish but ended up finding a tiny little guy that's the size of a quarter. I was still excited! Before we saw the sea otter above, we saw a seal but he was harder to get a picture of. On a day or two before we saw a fox while we were out by all the frozen waterfalls. It was a fun few days and I'm glad I got to hang out with everyone : )
Now a few days of relaxing and carnival before school starts back up on Monday! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm still here : )

So, I realized that I haven't posted anything on here in quite a while and that's pretty rare for me so I figured that I would let everyone know that I haven't forgotten, I've just been busy!
Since this past Friday, I've been in Chignik Bay visiting the Kresl's with Kasie and Derek and their friend Richard and we haven't been over to the school to use the internet too much. We've been out exploring and spending MANY hours on Just Dance - burning off the calories of all the food we've eaten. ; )
Chignik Bay is a village south of Port Heiden. It's a tiny one - it only has about 30 people as opposed to about 100 in Port Heiden. It's also much more condensed into one space instead of being spread out. It's at the base of the mountains, right on the Pacific ocean! It's pretty gorgeous to say the least.
We're supposed to fly out sometime tomorrow to head back to Port Heiden, once again, it's not a guarantee so we'll see depending on the weather. When we get home, the carnival will be going on at the school all day for the next few days. Once I get back and get settled - which may be after carnival - I'll put more pictures up here and explain more but here's a little bit while I have a few minutes.
This is standing on the old ferry dock, looking out into the Pacific!
I really liked this one, it's not the best quality because I had to zoom a good bit BUT there were two bald eagles sitting out on that barrel that boats dock to.
A huge frozen waterfall along the coast.
We had just touched down on the runway and this picture is facing the village - it's RIGHT at the bottom of those mountains!
The group : )
We saw a lot of neat things and a few animals which I'll post later... sorry this isn't very detailed but as I said, I'll take time to do my normal, in depth story post when I get home and have time!