I'm back in a routine and my life has finally calmed down - some - but it won't stay that way for long. The first week of school for this new year is done and we're heading towards week number two!
At one point, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it back in time for school to start or not. For those of you that aren't aware of my travel troubles, I'll give you an update. I knew that my traveling was going to be rough when we left our house at 3:45 am and arrived at the airport to find out that Macy and I's first flight was cancelled. It was pretty much all down hill from there.... I got the last seat on another flight that took me straight to Chicago and so I was able to get there to make my connecting flight from Chicago to Anchorage! So things were looking up. Macy and I got to Chicago and after a 5 hour layover in Chicago, we got ready to board the next flight to Anchorage. As we were standing in line to board, our flight got delayed 15 minutes, and then 2 hours and then the words that almost made me cry.... cancelled. Not even because of weather in Chicago or Anchorage, but because our crew didn't show up. Don't you think they should have a back up? That was my thought at least. And then started what could possible be the longest day of my life (exaggeration - kind of). I stood, well sat, in the customer service line for 5 hours! 5 hours of waiting.... those of you that know me know that I am not patient. It was not a fun evening at all. After those fives hours of waiting in line and then a while on hold with United, I got the news that there was no way I was getting to Alaska until the next weekend.... So they put me on a flight from Chicago back to Harrisburg so that I could at least spend the week at home and then try again the next weekend. After I took a taxi ride in the blizzard to pick up Macy at the cargo pet building and got lost, Macy and I finally got to a hotel in Chicago around 11:30 pm. Little did we know that our next flight back to Hbg would get cancelled and there wouldn't be another one until Wednesday. Come to find out that the temperatures in Chicago were too extreme that they wouldn't flight pets. So I could get back to Hbg on Wednesday but Macy could not..... the bad news just kept piling up. So now it's Sunday and Macy and I are stuck in Chicago until Wednesday, at least. To top it off, my bag was already in Anchorage waiting for me. How it got there but I didn't, I have no clue? Anyways, my parents are amazing and decided that they would drive from PA to Chicago to pick Macy and I up. 11 and a half hours to get us, we spent the night in Chicago (at a different hotel because my hotel's pipes broke and we didn't have water, go figure) and then drove 11 and a half hours back home the next day! I don't know what I would do without them and I don't know that I can ever thank them enough! After another day at home where I got to see my friends and family again (which is a plus of this whole ordeal), I tried again on Friday morning around 6. My flights luckily went off without a hitch and I got to Anchorage at midnight as scheduled, but I can't have that good of luck so of course, something went wrong. Poor Macy's flights got cancelled and so she could not get to Anchorage. So, she is still in PA with my parents. She's happy, I'm sure because she is getting spoiled by her grandparents and she's getting play time with Jade.
Another plus to this ordeal is that Kasie and Derek got to pick me up at the airport! I was so happy to get to Anchorage and to see my best friend! And I'm blaming it on her, but we cried. Go figure? Two emotional people who haven't seen each other in 6 months. I miss her! And my other awesome roommate - Derek! It was so nice to be able to see them for a bit. Kasie and I stayed up until around 3 just catching up. It was totally worth the 7 am wake up call. Another day spent in Anchorage (a hotel for a shower and nap to catch up on all the sleep I didn't get the few days before) after we took them and the other tutors from LPSD to the airport. It was nice to catch up with some other staff from the district that I haven't seen in almost a year. I also stayed in the house with the tutors after Kasie and Derek picked me up.... it was strange to be on the other side of that process. They were getting their totes of food ready and packing up everything before they ventured out to their villages for the first time. It made me very thankful that I had that experience because I wouldn't be here now if I didn't. AND I just think about everything that I've done and experienced and see, it's unreal.
Saturday I was on standby for the night flight from Anchorage to Dillingham. Again, being impatient, that standby thing isn't ideal BUT this time it worked out perfectly and I got on the flight. I took a taxi to the district bunkhouse and stayed there for the night. It was pretty windy and snowy so I wasn't sure that I'd be able to get back to Manokotak on Sunday but sure enough, we were able to catch a small window of somewhat clear weather and I got back! I missed both inservice days, a work day and had to use all three of my personal days plus some extra hours BUT I made it back before the first day with the kids. I was very thankful for that. Unfortunately, I got back to an empty apartment and missed Macy like crazy. It's not quite home without her.
The first week went by really well and I realized that I missed my kids more than I thought. They really are the greatest kids I could have ever asked for in my first year teaching. We got back into a routine and things are going well. We were supposed to have a basketball tournament this weekend and another village was going to come but due to pretty bad wind and snow and ice, no planes flew. Instead we had a tournament with the MS team, the boys and girls hs teams and the village teams. I learned how to do the score books for basketball and can now do that, volleyball and wrestling! I'm so glad I learned them all. It was a fun, but long day!
Since Macy isn't here still, I spent most of today at school decorating and doing odds and ends. I started all of my Valentine's day decorations.... it may be a little early but I want to make sure we have the decorations up for enough time and I love decorating for V-day. I don't love the holiday but I love the decorations. I'll share pictures of that soon. :) I also cleaned up around the house and did laundry.... an exciting Saturday!
Tomorrow is a day of football with friends! Then for the next two nights I'll have some house guests staying with me while their mom (another teacher) and dad are out of time. I'm excited to have some company. :)
Thursday night Deb, LeEsia and I fly to Anchorage for a conference for a few days. While I'm there in Anchorage, I have Macy scheduled on a flight into town so I can bring her back with me. I'm so thankful I'm able to do that. If I can't get her back up here, I don't know what I'll do without her. I miss my puppy! Let's pray that all of her flights (and mine) go as planned and we can both get to Anchorage on time.
Christmas break was a lot of fun and worth all the headache of getting back. I have the greatest family and friends and I'm so glad that I was able to see everyone and spend time with them. I'll see everyone again in a few months for the summer. :)
I got to see one of my best friends AND my pretty God-daughter who is getting so big. And Snickers got to meet Macy!
Macy loving the snow! She's definitely from Alaska.
That's home. :)
A few days before the snow we had warm, almost 60 degree weather! Dad has a new buddy!
My pretty girls!
He was so happy to see me!
Happy 50th to my Gram and Grampa, in all their KMO gear. ;)
The whole Niederreither family was finally together!
Macy's first Christmas!
My "little" brother!
Aunt Kendall and mom!
Love Granny & Carly. :)
We were reenacting .....
The view from our hotel room in Chicago for a few days.... this was after the blizzard had cleared.
Snow in KMO!
I love this picture.... where the blizzard was meeting the blue sky!
I've been out snow machine riding and had an adventure on the trail down to town to go to the store in a blizzard. One of the many things I like about Alaska.
I will leave you all with this. According to my kids, the best way for a guy to keep his wife happy is to go hunting and not fart on her. Words from my 5th and 6th graders who are wise beyond their years. ;)