I feel like it's a good time to post an update on here given that yesterday marked two years since I first started my journey to Alaska. (And the fact that it's about 10 degrees and windy outside - much like a lot of my days in AK). Not knowing what in the world I had in store for me, I got on a plane - the first of many ahead - and headed for Anchorage. To refresh your memory if you've followed along for the past two years, I was supposed to go for a short three month stay. At that point, I thought three months was so long and I wasn't quite sure how I was going to handle it. Little did I know, I would extend that stay by many, many months and many more memories.
My first thought about Anchorage was that it was amazing and I'll tell you that that thought hasn't changed. I'm not a city person, not at all, but being in Anchorage is different. It's unique and doesn't I've off the same "city" feel as so many other cities I've visited. The people there, whether visiting or living there, are unique and individuals... they don't care what people think, if they want to walk around with pink hair, they will. I'm not saying that everyone in Anchorage walks around with pink hair, I'm just using that as an example. The style is different, once again, unique. I love the feel of Anchorage and I always looked forward to going to "town". Not just because I needed some town time outside of the village but also because it's just such a comforting place to be. You walk out of Walmart and there is a breathtaking view. You drive down the highway and you have to stop for a moose to cross all four lanes. I would love to get back to Anchorage... I'd be ready tomorrow if I could make that happen. From my first experience two years to my feelings now, not too much has changed. Although, now, I could tell you some of my favorite restaurants, my favorite shops to visit, where the mall is and what hotels I've stayed in, etc.
People still think it's crazy when I start talking about my grocery shopping while living in the village. What do you mean you have to shop for your food and mail it to your house? You can't eat fresh fruit and salad there? You paid how much for those grapes? It's definitely something you don't really understand until you're forced to do it. I got to be a master at packing totes to ship to my house. What different things can go together in a tote and not break, how much bubble wrap and grocery bags need to be wrapped around jars - if you have to have them, etc. I will tell you from experience, don't ever mix some cleaning supplies with certain foods, like bread. You will end up with bread that tastes like Clorox - not good when that's the only bread you have for months. Sometimes I still can't believe I did that... I really shipped a flat of boxed milk and a case of Coke in the mail? Sure did and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
I know that there are a ton of different villages that I could have lived in and I am sure that I would have been happy in pretty much any of them, however, I think I got pretty lucky to be able to call two different amazing villages, home. Port Heiden will always have a special place in my heart. It'll always be my first home in Alaska. That's where I first fell in love with the state (well besides Anchorage). That's where I went on my first adventures, where I first got to experience native food (anyone remember the fuzzy looking caribou stomach?), and to avoid getting into a long list of sappy reasons, just know I love Port Heiden always will. :) The same goes for Manokotak... it may not have been my first home in Alaska but it's where I had my first classroom and experienced a lot of native things, even more native than in Port Heiden... ie. the Maqii (naked steam bath?). Once again and just like every where I went in AK, the people were amazing. My family away from PA.
This post is pretty much as random as it gets. It's a ramble that has no sequential order and really does not make any sense... but I'm reminded of Alaska every day in all sorts of different ways, so I wanted to reminisce on some memories with you. :)
A look back at my first time next to the Bering Sea. A few months later and I ended up jumping in that with whales not too far from me. Yup, I swam in the Bering Sea.
My absolute favorite picture of my entire time in Alaska I think. I was lucky enough to see Caribou almost every day in Port Heiden but on this particular day it was -7 degrees out and we went outback from the school and I was able to snap this picture. We were so close to them. So peaceful and beautiful. Ever since I took it, I wanted to get this made into a canvas and I've just been putting it off, but I'm thinking it's about time that I do that....
The view from the front of the Alyeska resort. So, so pretty....
My favorite animal - a moose. Lucky for me I got to see them every time I went to Anchorage.
I learned a whole lot about myself during my time in Alaska. I know I've said it before but not only has my time living there taught me so much but also my time traveling to and from. I won't go into all the details again but man, if I reflect back on my time, I have changed so much and my thought process about certain topics are a lot different, too.
One thing that sticks out to be tremendously is that I always want an adventure. I always am ready to travel somewhere. By leaving my small town (that I never thought I'd leave) I realized that there is so much more that this world has to offer and I want to see it all. I want to travel, travel and travel some more.
I saw this the other day .... very true. :)
You never know when the mood will strike and I'll post another long ramble.... Until next time, missing AK.