Friday, January 25, 2013


This week went really fast to me, but no matter how fast and how well the weeks go, it's still nice to see Friday roll around. :)

I'm currently sitting in the library doing some odds and ends. Like I've said before, the students leave at 1:30 on Fridays but then the teachers have meetings and in service things to do, etc. We don't have any mandatory meetings today but they all have their own meetings or classes to take care of so I'm just hanging out here until it's time to work out!

Last night I came home from school and my house was freezing. I realized that it was so cold something had to be broken. I checked out both thermostates - one in the living area and the one in my bedroom and they both said 60 degrees. And being that it's only about 12-15 degrees outside, that was cold! Long story short, Michael - who is my neighbor and he's the husband of our substitute Elementary teacher (they leave on Tuesday, we'll miss them!) - came over and he fixed it for me. An inline fuze in the furnace broke and it was laying on the floor when he took the front off. So we got that all fixed up and I had heat again. Turns out that in the middle of the night, they ran out of fuel so they lost heat. We both got filled up today at our houses because mine was apparently really low, too. So hopefully that is the end of that but you never know, such is life in bush Alaska. :)

I just think this is really neat so this is where I'm going to leave it for today...

This is the old school that is down in the old village. It's really tiny and it's on the verge of disapearing!

There's the school, now! There's four classrooms, a library, office (not an ordinary school main office), two bathrooms, Kasie's room and a gym. My "office" is upstairs overlooking the gym along with Pat's (the principal) office. The teacher housing is in those buildings on the other side that you can start to see.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. Makes me feel like I'm there with you. Love you, Granny
