Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Love these kids!

The past few days have been gorgeous. A little windy but really nice... a little more like spring time!
I've got some pictures to share from the past few days.
 This picture doesn't do it justice. The sunrise this morning when I was leaving for school at 7:15. Both the sunrises and the sunsets never fail to amaze me!

The elementary kids on a field trip today. We went down to old village to compare and contrast the old school to the new school. Mrs. Manning is a pretty awesome teacher! Behind where the kids are standing, is where the old road ends. That road used to go the whole way out and around to the old houses that I've posted pictures of before. Due to the erosion and the beach moving in, just like many of the houses, the road has washed away.
Love these kids!

This morning on my way into school I passed a swan hanging out in the swamp. The other morning, Jeff had pointed out to me that the swans were back in town and there were quite a few pairs around the swamp beside the school. It's nice to see them, makes it feel more like spring with birds around! So, after talking to my dad this morning and telling him about the swans, I went out to try to get some pictures. Needless to say, it was cold and I couldn't find the swans but I did get to see some more of the sunrise. I love how this picture turned out! Hopefully I'll be able to capture the swans at some point.

One more of us today down at old village with the beach in the background. They're pretty awesome kids who have stolen my heart!
: )

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