Sunday, February 17, 2013

Another weekend has come to an end

I wasn't planning on posting anything today but after a two hour video chat session with my parents and my granny & pop-pop, there is a few things that I was told to post. So here they are :)
First, since I've been up here, I've had some time to work on art again. Which, I haven't done since high school probably. It's been too long regardless. So I've been doing some oil pastels just for fun. And just finished my second one this weekend.
The first one is a picture that I used of Kasie's and it's looking out towards Aniakchak volcano.

The second one I just finished is of my back yard at home... well, back yard looking out into the field & the woods. It's one of my favorite pictures that I have of home.

After our long Skype call, I decided to use the apples I have to make my granny's apple dumplings. It was my first time making them and it took some work but I think they turned out okay. :) I haven't tried them yet but if they turn out even half as good as hers, I'll be happy!

I know a while back I said I would post pictures of the homemade pizza that we eat on Friday's and I finally got them uploaded :)

This place and this view NEVER gets old. It's pretty amazing around here & I just want to keep exploring :)


  1. Hey Marisa - very beautiful artwork! love them!!! Granny's dumplings look good (even thought I hate warm apples, they look good) haha! as you said looking at your pictures from there never get old to look at!!! love seeing them all!! (i know there is bad grammar in there, but i am a big girl and can do it...hahaha) Keep up the interesting posts!!!!

  2. (OK - WOOHOO my comment finally

    1. Woo! So glad it finally worked. I wonder what the issue was? And Thanks, I'm glad you love seeing the pictures but I'll keep posting them :)

    2. I used a regular computer!! HAHA! Yes, these posts are the highlight of my days!! To hear the funny stories, to look at the beautiful pictures and to see what all is happening in AK!!!!!

  3. Looks like you mastered the Apple Dumplings! Whoo-hoo! I'm sure they will taste fabulous! The pizza looks really good too. I hope you're learning how to make that so you can have us all over for pizza when you come home! LOVE YOU!

    1. They do taste good, I'm happy with them and want to make more :) And I can make the pizza as long as we have a bread maker at home somewhere, haha. :) Love you!

  4. I am in awe of your creative abilities! Those oil pastel paintings are amazing! : ) Also, pizza night could be every night haha I even want it for breakfast today - it looks SO good!

    1. Pizza night could be every night. I'd be okay with that, too! It sounds really good right now, actually. Maybe just because I'm hungry, haha. But thanks, about the pictures! :)
