Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Making me smile :)

There were a few things that made me smile today but one in particular that I had to share because it made my whole day & it made me laugh, a lot. : )
The little kindergartener that I've mentioned before & who you have gotten to see in some of my pictures, says some of the funniest things. He is always making me laugh whether he's trying it or just being silly. Today, we were doing his spelling & he stops writing his words - which I've been giving him a hard time about because we're working on neat handwriting and to a kindergarten boy, that's torture - anyways, he looks up at me and says, "You've got tiny nose holes. You probably can't fit your finger up there!" Needless to say, I just looked at him and started laughing, I couldn't help it. And then he thought he was hilarious because he made me laugh. What makes this even better is that he's pretty fond of picking his nose, haha. He's a character, that's for sure! I love little moments like that.
I talked to my dad today at lunch! That's always nice to just check in & say hi... plus, he always gives me good advice. And my mom sent me a gift from Omaha that I will be anxiously awaiting... I'm pretty lucky. : )
I love, love seeing the students I work with every day start to understand what we've been working on or complete things that they have to get done to graduate or just really enjoy what we're doing. I had some of those moments lately and it's a good feeling. And that's one of the biggest reasons why I've always wanted to teach!
I got to hang out with little Tate after school and got some smiles out of him and then got to cuddle with him while he fell asleep. He's the sweetest little man... a very good Valentine!
Alecia and I made an unnecessary but really great trip to the store. You say soda (or pop - to her) and I'm there and so we took a short little drive to check out the new produce that was just delivered. I got a big thing of bananas & a huge bag of carrots that I have to clean and cut. For those two things of fresh produce, two sodas & alfredo sauce, it was only $24. I don't even look at the prices anymore - it's not worth looking at it when I know it'll make me happy. However, I should probably start checking out the expiration date because my alfredo sauce that I was so excited to eat, expired in 2011, haha. But I've been told that "only in the bush would I say to go for it and eat it" so I just may do that, we will see how brave I get!
I also go two packages today, one from some of my best friends from home which I loved! Full of candy & even some treats for Heiden, haha, he'll be so excited. I miss them! As well as from Aunt Kendall, Scott & Carly - thank you guys! I was very excited about the candles that were in that package. I've got one burning right now. Anyone that knows me, knows that I LOVE candles & I love burning them and I've been going through some withdrawl without them up here so that was a nice little surprise!
Now I've got the 90s country station playing and I'm cuddled on the couch, listening to the wind outside! It was much warmer today, about 30 degrees which was a big change from yesterday's 6 degrees with the wind making it feel like it was in the negatives. The snow melted today and then as soon as it got dark tonight, it started to snow again. I never know what exactly I'm going to wake up to! I'm hoping for some nice days this weekend so I can get outside.
I do have to share a few pictures... some may not want these shared BUT I have to share some Just Dance pictures from the other night - a good time with good friends! : )

I made this last night on a new APP that I downloaded on my iPad thanks to Madi! It's some Luke Bryan lyrics & a good reminder. : )
Just a lot to be grateful for... that's all : )

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