Saturday, August 17, 2013

Busy and exhausted... two of the biggest understatements recently.

Wow, where to begin? The past week has been a whirlwind to say the least. I'm sorry that I haven't posted in quite a few days, I know some of you have been looking every single day and waiting patiently so since I have down time tonight, I figured I'd update you all! 

Well after our day off on Sunday that was filled with sleeping in, soaking up some vitamin D, grocery shopping and dinner at Robin's, the special education director, house, we were back at it bright and early Monday morning for more inservice. The first couple days that I was in Dillingham was because of new teacher training and then Monday through Wednesday was inservice for all the teachers in the district. And let me say, although I learned a lot, it was a LONG couple days. We spent all day long in meetings and presentations with some snack breaks and lunch breaks (along with breakfast every morning) - they fed us well. : ) It was also nice to get to meet some of the other staff members from around the district and talk to them! 

It was a little surreal to be sitting in teacher inservice. I've had that feeling quite a few times since I've been back to Alaska... I guess that just comes along with being a first year teacher. You spend all these years preparing and if you're like me, pinning ideas on pinterest for things you could do in your classroom when you get one or buying school supplies and things for your future classroom and then finally it's here and you can use all those things (well unless you move across the entire country and some stuff is just too expensive to ship ;) ) and you can do all those ideas that you've been thinking about and planning for! It's a great feeling. :)

On Wednesday afternoon after inservice, myself and five other staff members from Manokotak piled into a VERY small plane and took our 8 minute flight into the village. It wasn't the nicest day but since our ride was so quick we were able to make it. Most of the other villages weren't able to fly out and had to stay in Dillingham another night. When we got here, they took me on a tour of the school and showed me my classroom for the first time! Then it was off to my apartment so I could begin the unpacking process....

Before we left Dillingham, we had to get our picture with Kutztown Bear's alaskan brother. ;)
Next to the Nushagak Bay! 
Our tiny, tiny plane.... Tinier than any one that I've been on in the past.

 The runway!
The seats were literally on the floor and guess where I got to sit?

 The very back of the plane surrounded by our boxes of groceries. 
Deb, my principal took my picture at my first desk. : )
Lucky for me, the awesome maintenance men moved all my totes from the school to outside my apartment so that I didn't have to do it! Very thankful for that. 
 My bedroom!
 The kitchen
Living room
Laundry room with a big chest freezer - very convenient! 

I haven't done too much to my house at all. In fact, I have a second bedroom that is a disaster area because it has my empty totes and about 8 that haven't unpacked yet... along with odds and ends thrown everywhere. My house has been low on my priority list so hopefully as the year goes, I'll have more time to make it look a little more cozy! It's a very nice place though, I really love it!

Now, as soon as Thursday morning rolled around, we had a full day of at site inservice which was another day of meetings and trainings. By this point, you can imagine that I can't sit still at all. I can't sit still to begin with, especially after already sitting for multiple days in a row but my principal is pretty awesome and made the day go pretty quickly. Then it was the start of a mad rush to get my classroom ready by Monday. I spent a few hours Thursday night working on it. Friday and today were teacher work days which required us to be at school for a normal scheduled day - 8:00 to 3:30 so I spent the last two days there until about 7 trying to get things done and it's still not all finished. Looks like I'll be heading back in tomorrow to do some last minute things to my room and then continue working on some curriculum things. Here are the pictures of my huge, first classroom. : )

 This is out my classroom window.... my apartment building is the one on the left hand side and my apartment is on the bottom left. Very close walk to work. ;)
 Notice how organized my desk is now? Let's see how long this lasts! 
Here it is, my first classroom! 
 This is the amazing view out my back windows.... I can not wait until we all have some free time and I can get out and explore!
The view from the front of my apartment... the building in front is obviously the school and we sit at the base of a huge mountain! I know the mountain has a name but I honestly am not sure what it is... I'll find out. :)
And this would be the reason I have three candles burning in my apartment right now! Very thankful for my awesome neighbors who supplied me with King Salmon to last me for a long time.

PS. I don't know if everyone knows this but if not, if you click on the pictures it'll make them bigger! Just thought I'd throw that out there incase not everyone knew that. 

Everyone is so sweet here. From the staff to the students to even some of the parents that I've gotten to meet. I'm looking forward to a good year here in Manokotak. :)

That's all for now... it'll be another early night for me. I've been going to bed between 8:30 and 9:30... still bright and sunny out there but I'm so exhausted that it doesn't even bother me. I hope to have more to blog about after the first day of school on Monday...... I'll keep you all posted.

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