Friday, May 16, 2014

** Last day of school!

It's the last day of school here in KMO! Bittersweet day. 

But before I go into that, I have to say that I have typed up a super long post about Graduation and Prom and the days leading up to it, TWICE now and it's gotten deleted both times so then I gave up for a few days. After I gave up, I found out I have bronchitis and had to take a trip to the clinic and missed a day of school (all this week) but here I am.... last day of school and surviving, for the most part. 

So, I apologize for not updating so quickly like I said I would. But hopefully within the next few days I can do that for you! 

Can't believe this time of year is here again...... see everyone at home SO SOON. :)

Time to enjoy this last half day with my kids whom I'll miss like crazy.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

I just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in my life. Whether they're friends or family, near or far, or whether their an actual mom or not. Happy Mother's Day to any one who plays the role of a mom, who loves and nurtures and does whatever they can for the children in their life to be happy and successful. I think being a mom is the toughest job in the world and they all make it look so easy. I don't know where we'd be without them. I know particularly for me, I wouldn't be half the person I am today if it weren't for my mom and for my grandmas and aunts and other motherly figures in my life. I'm thankful for them today and always. 

Happy Mother's Day! I hope it's as amazing as all of you are. I wish I was home to be with my family BUT only a few shorts weeks and I'll be back with them. :) 

I'm recovering from a weekend of Graduation and Prom so today as I'm trying to get things packed up and cleaned, I'm going to also try to get a blog post written about the weekend! Stay tuned! :)