Sunday, March 23, 2014

I love fishing

I can't believe we're almost to the end of March already. Time sure is flying! Almost to April which brings SBA testing and then it's only a few more weeks until the school year ends. So much going on in these next few weeks though! 

We've gotten some snow since the last time I posted I think. Seems Mr. Winter showed up a bit late but he tried to make up for that by giving us a few days of blizzards and cold! I'm glad to see those end, although it did leave some nice snow. Like I had mentioned before, I personally am ready for warm weather! Come on Spring. 

But, since the snow arrived, we were able to get back out on the snow machines and go ice fishing! I've been really wanting to fish lately and I finally got the chance this weekend. 

Wednesday marked one year since the VPSO here in Manokotak, Tom, was killed while responding to a call. All day we remembered him and the kids and staff that knew him told me stories. I wish that I was able to know Tom because from everything I've heard, he was one amazing guy. Because of the year anniversary, there was a basketball tournament in honor of him this weekend. It began on Thursday night and ended late, late last night. There was quite the crowd here, even visitors from other villages, like Togiak, that played! It was great to see everyone come out and honor Tom. 

 Everyone at their holes! 
 Seriously, that view! 
 You could see blue and white for miles! 
 & miles.... 
 The awesome group of locals that took us out. : ) Quyana!
 My three pike! 
 My first! And biggest!
 Catching number 2.... 
 Patiently waiting.
 Kieson and I at the basketball games on Friday night! Handsomest little guy. He's two of my kid's nephew! 
 It was really, really cold and the wind was blowing hard but it sure was beautiful out there. 
 Louise (she's the Yupik teacher at the school) caught the first one of the day! 
 Cutting it up! 
 Only in Alaska will the school parking lot be filled with Hondas or Snow machines.
 Watching and waiting... 

Some of the pictures were taken with my phone because I didn't want to keep my camera out too long in the cold & wind, so they're not the best quality but you all get the point. : )

 This is what happens when I tell them I won't be back next year... tears :(
 Just some random pictures from school!
 After a few days of Mr. Winters visit. These drifts eventually got to the point that they were covering Ryan and I's classroom windows! 

 The road down to town.... 
 The snow machine trail out to the tundra
 Teacher housing to the right.... 
 Teacher housing to the left.
 My crazy nut! She's definitely an Alaskan dog, she LOVES the snow! 
The view!

Friday afternoon I finally got to watch Frozen! I've been not so patiently waiting to watch that and luckily, my kids got their 100 points so we had a celebration that included popcorn, soda, fruit snacks and FROZEN. I'm just throwing it out there, that if anyone wants to send that to me, I may be really happy. ; ) 

I got my kids some going away presents and they came in the mail on Friday. I'm entirely too impatient to wait another month and a half to give them to them so tomorrow they'll be receiving them. I have one more gift that I'm making for them and that one will wait until the end of the year so it's okay that I give them an early gift, right? Pictures to come after tomorrow! 

Today I got up and thawed some Salmon so I could dry it! Marinated it in Yoshidas and dried it for a few hours - yummy! I also spent a few hours making Fried Bread! SO good, time consuming but well worth it. I've got laundry in and need to finish folding clothes and cleaning up.... then I guess I've got to figure something out for dinner. Thanks for LeEsia for bringing me back chicken and ground beef from Dillingham since I was out - I now have many more options. ; ) 

Until next time... love & miss you all from home! 

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