Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed spending time with friends and family. This was my first Thanksgiving away from home and although I missed my family like crazy, I am very thankful for the family that I've made up here. Macy and I spent the day at LeEsia and Ryan's house, cooking and playing and just hanging out until everyone came over for dinner at 3. It was a fun, busy house but there were lots of laughs had and a good time spent not discussing school or work. : )

I got a new camera recently, one that I've wanted to buy for a very long time! So I've been snapping them like crazy. This post will be filled with pictures, just a warning!

A busy few weeks are coming up! A full week of school after this break is over, a volleyball tournament the next weekend as well as a holiday bizzaar and a movie night. The next weekend looks like I'll be making a visit to another village and then the following weekend, Macy and I start our journey home. Time is flying by, before I know it, I'll be home! 

It's been cold here and we've had a good amount of snow. Unfortunately the snow has disappeared a little and we're left with a sheet of ice. I have taken my first fall for the winter. Those of you that truly know me and my clumsiness won't be surprised by that but I have to say, it did hurt. 

 Thanksgiving day sunrise. 
 Macy watching her parade. ; )
 Pop-pop, these pictures are for you. Instead of gardens, we have these things that you can grow veggies and lettuce in.. they are awesome! 

 What we went through to get the next picture..... 
 Happy Thanksgiving from Macy and I. :)
 Macy and her bff, Mia!
 Mom and son bonding.... thankful for this family! 
 I carved it.... 
 And had two beggers!
 Aurora... so cute!
 Thanksgiving day sunset! 
 We played taboo for quite awhile last night. I'm usually not a game person but this was a very fun game! 
 My kids picked someone to write a biography on. After they did those, we spent a few days learning how to use oil pastels and doing abstract portraits of their person! 
 Practicing symmetry and making snow flakes to decorate the classroom and hallway!
 Macy's Christmas collar from Aunt Jodi. ;) We both love it and I may be obsessed with the moose! 
 Not getting out of the bed the other morning! 
 My awesome aid and one of my students practicing their symmetry! 
 Craziness before break.... 
 Our first icing! 
 Four some friends at lunch time! 
 We wrote acrostic poems about snowflakes and put them on our symmetry ones! 
 Love this family that has made me and Macy feel like a part of theirs. 

See those of you at home in about 22 days. : )

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of you carving the turkey with the dogs standing there. That's sort of like at Granny's except it's you and Carly standing there picking instead of the 2 dogs begging. HA HA!
