Sunday, April 7, 2013

Time flies when you're having fun ; )

Time really is flying by... my original three months are over and if I were on my scheduled flight, I would be home at this point. I know I've said it before but that's just crazy to me! I never thought I could go away from home and from my family for three months, and now I'm staying even longer... who am I? : )
 This past week was a weird one. As I said before, it was state testing week so that took up Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then Friday the older four kids had to do one last test so they were the only ones in school and only for a few hours. Kasie and I spent all day Friday, until about 7 cleaning it up, organizing it and decorating it! We still have a lot to do but it's looking better already... here's part of our decoration.
We also got to spend a little time with Tate so his momma & daddy could head out on the four wheeler for a bit since it was such a nice day. He likes spending time with his aunts. ; )

Taking a little break to enjoy the weather with Heiden!
Later than night after dinner, Derek, Kasie, Jeff and I went out to the beach to make a fire. That was pretty awesome. Those who know me know I love the beach and bonfires so a combination of the two is pretty much my favorite! It was a really good night with really great friends. I didn't take a ton of pictures, but here's a few.

Jeff and Derek searching the bluffs for a good spot for the fire...

We ended up on the beach.

Yesterday, I took their four wheeler out for a little ride down to the beach by old village and walked around a little bit... just enjoying the weather and the clear blue skies. It was a little windy which made it chillier than it looked but it was gorgeous. I just sat down by the beach for a little while... I'm getting spoiled having the beach right here. I may need to move to a beach now. ; )

Earlier in the week, Derek and Kasie took me down to "the point" which is where the ocean goes into a bay almost? I think at least! That's where they find all of their beach glass. We enjoyed the weather once again and walked around finding some really pretty beach glass!

With the weather getting warmer, I'm being told that the bears will be back out soon - we'll see how soon that is. The sun is also staying out later and later - recently it's been about 10 pm that it's completely down, but it's still pretty bright at that point. When I leave the house in the morning, it's pretty light out now, too. I love it!
I got my weekly two hour skype session with my parents today and even had an hour long one with my brother. I miss them.
I don't think I've said it recently so I'll say it again, thank you all for the random cards and packages, they all make me smile when I get them. : )


  1. Hi Sissy!! Time sure does fly when you are having the best time of your life!!! :) and through you I am living a part of it too!! heh!! such lovely pics......I was going to try and tag Aunt Kendall on the red fox picture to let her know what it looks like since she never sees the one by her house!! haha!!! (i hope she reads this....LOL) and what was the fox sitting in??? a grass of some sort??? loving the sea glass - i have a few pieces of that myself that someone made into necklaces!! very neat!!! Keep enjoying your time and the beautiful sites!!!!

  2. Haha, you can tag her on Facebook in the fox picture! Those all really tall grass on the bluffs that he was laying in sleeping. We disturbed him! Thanks for the comment. I love seeing comments on here : )
