Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lunch time!

Just a quick update while I'm eating my really healthy lunch - spaghetti-o's and meatballs and a Dr. Pepper. I also brought a small bag of chips but I'm thinking that may be pushing it to a really unhealthy level! I'll save those for a snack for later :)

Yesterdays weather was absolutely perfect - at least to me! All day it was sunny and clear and pretty warm, I mean for Alaska in the winter time that is. It seemed like a Spring day every one was saying. So of course all day I was thinking about how I wanted to go be outside after school and what I could do. The end of school came and we all decided to go out on the four wheelers and get out a little bit. It was so nice out! Jerik, Alecia, Pat, Jeff and I road out to the beach and drove down the beach - sidenote, Jeff taught me how to drive the four wheeler because it's been a LONG time since I've driven one and I don't even think I ever changed gears back then - so I needed basically retaught. So I got to drive down the beach :) I have to say, I really enjoy that. I would love to invest in one, someday! It was low tide on the beach so the space was huge to just ride... I have only ever seen it at high tide where we had to dodge and weave around ice chunks so this was so much nicer! We drove for a few miles and then we were able to get across North River. (I posted pictures of North River before and we weren't able to drive across it then) However, I did not drive across that... I wasn't taking on that responsibility so soon. :) After you get across North River, there's 30 more miles of beach until you can't go anymore... which sounds pretty amazing to me! We went a couple miles and ended up stopping to hang out for a little bit and then turning back. We obviously caught the sunset when we were out there and I have to say, this place has got to be one of the prettiest places I've ever seen. The sunset over the water - and it was really bright reds, pinks, oranges, etc. - and the big black sand beaches... it was so awesome!

While we were out there, we saw bald eagles and at one point, they were actually flying along with us. Apparently that is kind of common, sometimes they just fly along with you while you're cruising along on your four wheeler. I think that's so neat! Unfortunetly, I got my camera out to take a few pictures and it was dead. Something I learned up here is that I need to constantly check it and make sure that it's charged because otherwise, carrying it around with me everywhere isn't doing any good! But that just means that I need to get back out there and I'm SURE that there will be many more gorgeous evenings like that. I've been told and I think that it's really true, there's just somethings that you shouldn't capture in a photo. There's just some things that you should just take the time of looking at and really taking it all in then trying to worry about if you got a great picture. I find myself doing that too much. I try to focus on getting the perfect picture of things that I miss just actually taking it all in for a second. So last night was one of those nights that I didn't get to capture in pictures but it sure was gorgeous out. :) Missed Kasie and Derek along for the ride! I'm excited for them to get back on Thursday! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather holds up. It's another nice out out there today.

I also wanted to say thanks to my parents for my package full of Valentine's day candies as well as my birthday gifts. It really does make me smile to get things from home :) As well as thanks to Aunt Donna, Uncle Joe, Pam, Susie, John and Jared for my package from them full of the same. I loved it all and I think you all want me to gain 15 lbs this month! ;) I need to start back up with my excersizing that I have neglected since Kasie's been gone.. opps!

I'm positive that I could keep rambling on and on but since my lunch break is about to end, this post has to end, too! I had my camera charging all night last night and so it's ready to go for the next outing, whenever that my be!

Talk to you all soon :)

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