Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Basketball night!

I'm taking some time tonight to write another post. I know I just wrote one last night but I want to tell everyone about my day/night!

As I've been writing these posts, I realize that I put so many little details in my stories that are probably really unnecessary, however, that's just how I tell stories. I'll bet if you ask my parents, they'd agree. :) So, I apologize if you don't like my detailed - sometimes pointless - stories!

Today was another normal day at school filled with reading, writing, math and some volleyball, along with laughs, as usual! After school Kasie and I took a trip to the store again. Neither of us really NEEDED anything but I was out of my mint cookies that taste just like thin mint girl scout cookies and they have become a necessity of mine... they're perfect in the freezer. ;) So after starting a tab at the store, and spending more than necessary, we were on our way.

We drove down to what's called "Old Meshik" or "Old Village" - I think I've heard both. Basically, it's the old village that is completely abandoned/condemned due to the Bering Sea moving in on it. Actually at one point, the road just drops off because the shore & the sea came in. It was one of the neatest things to see. You drive in between two bodies of water - a lake that's called "Goldfish Pond" and then the Bering Sea on the other side of you. You can imagine the views are amazing & my pictures just don't do it justice. It's pretty great! I can't wait to see it all when it's not covered in snow. The abandoned houses are so neat to look in and it's unreal to me to look into the houses up close or just driving by & see different colors on the walls and items still left in the house, knowing that at one point, those were people's homes and know they're being taken over by the Bering Sea. I loved seeing all of that and just thinking about it all. There was one house that was literally hanging over the cliff of the shore... it's just hanging there and I'm sure sometime soon, it'll come crashing down. My camera unfortunately died while we were out there so Kasie let me use hers and so I'll have to steal some of those from her at some point. Not that I don't see her or am hanging out at her house everyday, I'm sure I'll get those soon, :) We also took a trip to the post office so I could get stamps - which I paid $9.00 for a book of them. I've never bought stamps before so one, I thought a "book" meant a few pages worth and two, I think that's expensive but hey that could be what they cost at home - I just have the luxury of "borrowing" them from my mom while I'm home ;)

Here are some of the ones that I was able to take though:

& I had to do my signature pose for the trip... it just feels like it's needed when the views are this great. :)

Again, Kasie has some really good pictures on her camera so once I get those, I'll share some with you all. They're really neat to see! I especially liked looking at the old school, it's just crazy to me! 

After our little tour and our pictures, we had a basketball tournament at the school that I mentioned in last nights post. That was fun to get to meet members of the village. I ran the concession stand/student store! I had some help from one of the boys that I work with during the day who's in 6th grade so that made for an entertaining time! The games were really good and it seemed to be a successful night. I however, was successful on my own by spending $93. Yeah and it added up quickly! But, I wanted a Port Heiden Meshik School sweatshirt and then of course I had to get the Port Heiden sweatpants... along with a candy bar & I owed from a soda from the other day. So all in those four things - I spent almost $100. However, this could be the last time I'm here so I felt the need to splurge on them and if it's not the last time, I'll just have them to wear. :) 

Tomorrow it's school and after a day off from working out, we're back at it! The day off was necessary though so that I'm not too sore for tomorrows workout! 

I have one last picture that's for my dad because he specifically requested this picture a little while ago... hope it works for you dad. :) And I do have to clarify to everyone - I have not gained a lot of stomach weight although it appears that I have in the picture, I had two dinner rolls in my front pockets of my jacket, haha. If you're wondering why, they're left over from the school lunch and they're amazing so we had a few! That's all, haha! 

Talk to you all again, soon! 


  1. Don't apologize for the way you write - I love it! In my head, I can hear your voice telling it just like you've written it!

    Nice you were able to do a little "shopping" at the basketball tournament! haha You had to get your shopping fix in somehow, right?!

    So glad your are getting to see the sights while you are there. It's so nice of Kasie (and the others) to show you around so you can venture out instead of just spending time in your immediate village.

    Hope you get your package today! I'm gathering items for another one!

    love & miss you!

  2. Perfect...that's my Girl! Love ya - Dad

  3. Head Lamp! Head Lamp! Head Lamp! Head Lamp! This is my attempt to peer pressure you into posting the head lamp picture. :)

    Like your mom, I enjoy your writing too - it does sound just like listening to you talk.

    Our laptop was broken so I wasn't connected to the outside world, but it's fixed now, so I'm going to get my Skype downloaded tonight and hopefully we can chat soon! Love you!
